Rénovation d’un atelier de soudage

Van Hoof Groep – Asten, The Netherlands

New working areas for expansion of existing production facility.

The end-user asked us to create a working environment for employees, in which they can work safely and also feel comfortable in line with the design of the existing factory.


Cepro has developed, in close cooperation with the end-user, a complete “street” of welding cabins. The cabins are built with Cepro Sonic sound absorbing walls. In this way the overall sound level in the workplace is reduced significantly. Also the colour of the Cepro Sonic walls has made custom made to fit the rest of the design of the existing factory.

This project was realized in close cooperation with VLH Lastechniek , a large local supplier of welding and workplace equipment.

The client was very satisfied with the end-result. The workplace is safe and a joy to work  in.